Evaluation Reports


annual reports

2024 Program Overview

Every year we do a general evaluation of Byte's courses. On this document, we show the demographics of all the participants who were there since the spring 2024.

2023 Program Overview

Every year we do a general evaluation of Byte's courses. Below, we show the demographics of all the participants who were there since the spring 2023. The following tables illustrate cumulative and trimester participant demographics.

2022 Program Overview

Every year we do a general evaluation of Byte's courses. Below, we show the demographics of all the participants who were there since the spring 2022. The following tables illustrate cumulative and trimester participant demographics.

2021 Program Overview

Results of BYTE’s end-of-year program evaluation

2020 Virtual Program Evaluation

The following evaluation was conducted with participants and their parents/caretakers from the three public summer 2020 virtual BYTE courses. Covid-19 facility restrictions made surveying within the youth shelters untenable, therefore the results of this evaluation highlight responses to the efficacy and impact of BYTE’s public courses.

2019 Program Impact Evaluation

BYTE implemented a program evaluation in the fall of 2019. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess its services, identify areas for improvement and to demonstrate program effectiveness for fund development. BYTE contracted with a public health professional to design and implement the evaluation and prepare this report. Outcome and process assessments are intended to demonstrate how BYTE engages youth as leaders and how services contribute to strong, resilient communities and increase appreciation for the border environment.


Term Reports

2024 Fall Attendance Report

The following report was created using data recorded during BYTE's Fall 2024 season. The courses cover the period from October to December 2024. The report presents the relative frequencies of attendance, the averages of ages, and gender distribution. Then, it presents the attendance per session for each of the spaces where the courses were held.

2024 Summer Attendance Report

The following report was created using data recorded during BYTE's Summer 2024 season. The courses cover the period from May to September 2024. The report presents the relative frequencies of attendance, the averages of ages, and gender distribution. Then, it presents the attendance per session for each of the spaces where the courses were held.

2024 Spring Attendance Report

The following report was created using data recorded during BYTE's Spring 2024 season. The courses cover the period from January to May 2024. The report presents the relative frequencies of attendance, the averages of ages, and gender distribution. Then, it presents the attendance per session for each of the spaces where the courses were held.

2023 Fall Attendance Report

The following report was conducted using information from the BYTE 2023 fall term. This report begins by introducing the general attendance of participants, along with their ages and genders. Following this introduction, we outline the specific courses and their attendance per session. Additionally, we share notable observations and recommendations from instructors for each course.

2023 Summer Attendance Report

The following report was conducted using information from the BYTE 2023 summer term, which ran from June 5th to September 1st. This report begins by introducing the general attendance of participants, along with their ages and genders. Following this introduction, we outline the specific courses and their attendance per session. Additionally, we share notable observations and recommendations from instructors for each course.

2023 Spring Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2023 spring term. The courses began February 20th and ended May 19th. The general attendance of participants, their ages, and their genders are introduced in the beginning of this report. Then, the specific courses and their assistance per session are outlined. Notable observations and recommendations from instructors are also shared per course.

2022 Fall Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2022 summer term. The courses included began September 12th and ended December 5th. The general attendance of participants, their ages, and their genders are introduced in the beginning of this report. Then, the specific courses and their assistance per session are outlined. Notable observations and recommendations from instructors are also shared per course.

2022 Summer Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2022 summer term. The courses included began May 23th and ended September 9th. The general attendance of participants, their ages, and their genders are introduced in the beginning of this report. Then, the specific courses and their assistance per session are outlined. Notable observations and recommendations from instructors are also shared per course

2022 Spring Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2022 Spring term.


2021 Fall Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2021 Fall term. The courses included began October 6th and ended December 10th. The general attendance of participants, their ages, and their genders are introduced in the beginning of this report. Then, the specific courses and their assistance per session are outlined. Some brief notable observations and recommendations from instructors are also shared per course.

2021 Summer Attendance Report

The following report was conducted with information from the BYTE 2021 summer term. The courses included began June 14th and ended September 10th. The general attendance of participants, their ages, and their genders are introduced in the beginning of this report. Then, the specific courses and their assistance per session are outlined. Notable observations and recommendations from instructors are also shared per course.

2021 Spring Attendance Report

The following report was made with the data recorded in the first BYTE season of 2021. The courses that comprise it spanned from February 8 to May 14. In the first half, the relative frequencies of assistance, the average age and sex are presented. Then, the attendance per session of each one of the spaces where the courses were applied are presented. Finally, noteworthy observations and recommendations based on what was reported by their instructors are included. In the second half, the evaluation results by course and their comparisons are shown.

2020 Fall Attendance Report

The following report was prepared from the data recorded by the instructors of the Cinenautas, Modern Dance and Stop Motion courses. The relative frequencies of assistance, the averages of ages and sex are presented. Then, the attendance per session of each one of the spaces where the courses were applied are presented. Finally, notable observations and recommendations emanating from the assistants and instructors of these.


Specialty Reports


BYTE Trauma-Informed Community Coaching Workshops

BYTE received a $10,000 grant award from the US Consulate to Nogales Sonora to conduct Spanish language, trauma informed community coaching workshops in Nogales Sonora between Oct 2023 – Oct 2024. These offerings were to be based on BYTE’s extensive investment in trauma informed sport coaching practices and the custom course materials it developed through a multi-year public health grant from Vitalyst Health Foundation.

Anza Park Mural Proposal

The mural at the Anza Park Tennis Courts will be a collective endeavor of four local artists from Nogales, Arizona/ Sonora, supported by a dedicated group of youths being mentored in BYTE’s year-round art education program. The collage of art pieces will serve as a testament to the uniquely creative culture, strength and unity that abounds in this bi-national community.

Mural concepts must have value for the community- each design will incorporate history, landscape and/or personal narratives that encompass the heart and spirit of Ambos Nogales. Artists will be asked what implications toward social awareness, beauty of creation, history or people and places their work has. As a whole, the mural will feature elements that highlight the interconnectedness of these completely separate but unified international sister cities.

Reporte de Urban Art on the Border - Dic 2022

La información reunida para este reporte eventualmente devendrá en la publicación de una revista para su distribución gratuita de manera internacional. Contendrá toda la información expuesta aquí, además de ocho análisis semióticos e iconográficos derivados de entrevistas realizadas a artistas urbanos.

Urban Art on the Border 2022

Con el objetivo de desarrollar e impulsar las expresiones artísticas en Nogales, BYTE y el Consulado de Estados Unidos en Nogales gestionó el proyecto de Urban Art On the Border. Éste consta de cuatro componentes clave: Dos talleres de narrativa digital, cuatro recorridos de murales urbanos en Nogales, un catálogo con 30 fichas técnicas y 8 artículos que devendrán en una revista con la recopilación de los murales más representativos del área céntrica de ambos Nogales. Por último, el diseño e implementación del material académico correspondiente a la temporada de primavera 2022.

Evaluación del programa de Tutorías 2022

El siguiente reporte tiene el fin de mostrar los resultados de la evaluación al programa tutorías 2021- 2022. Este reporte comienza con la descripción metodológica del proceso para recabar información, después dividí los resultados en fortalezas del programa, riesgos y problemas a tomar en cuenta, análisis de calificaciones de los/las participantes y por último, las recomendaciones generales que resultaron de toda la evaluación.

BYTE Academic Pedagogy Report

In September of 2020 Border Youth Tennis Exchange (BYTE) contracted an instructional design specialist1 to analyze its academic program. The objective of this assessment was to articulate program level goals and learning objectives and to track alignment to individual courses that BYTE offers its student-athletes.

A well-developed, competency-based educational program guides students toward mastery of a clearly defined skillset through the completion of curricular activities. Structurally, such a program possesses evidence of a clear relationship between learning activities and assessments, course outcomes, program objectives, and institutional goals. This relationship, which is key in proving that the program accomplishes what it originally intended to do, is typically achieved through a process of programmatic mapping, a key step in program evaluation. The following sections of this report outline the program mapping process undertaken and provides a roadmap to BYTE’s academic objectives. The report concludes with the results of this evaluation and recommendations for course-specific and overall program revision.

Digital Storytelling Report

The following program evaluation seeks to analyze the impact of BYTE’s digital storytelling workshop in 2020 and 2021. This report begins with this executive summary, following this is a reflection from our lead instructor Jacksubeli Gonzalez. We then present the results from our surveys and conclude with a qualitative study result where we explore and present the results of our thematic analysis of the stories within the workshops and interviews from the participants.

2020 English Course Report

The following report was made from data recorded by the instructors of the English course offered from August to October 2020. In addition to this, the contents of the program were reviewed and a focus group was held with five parents. The course was given to three groups in two periods. In total there were 24 beneficiaries of the program. This report is divided into three sections. First, the descriptive statistical data of the population that show the attendance and the relative frequencies on the compliance of the group. Second, a brief qualitative description of the results obtained through the focus group. Finally, general recommendations for future courses.